“Wait a minute! wait a minute!” He shouted me back.
“I think it is you who counselled that people should devote all their energies to the field of their choice and must not shirk to other fields. And it is perhaps you who advised us to keep away from politics. Why should you worry so much about educational system to which we belong and find nothing wrong in what you perceive as a menace?”
“You mostly listen to unlisten me, as you yourself brag, how can you understand the implications of what I advise? Listen attentively. I have claimed to be the most consistent political writer which may appear to you a bit inflated. My agitation is against our numbness, our cultural impotence and frigidity, our colonial mindset but more than any other thing I fight exposing the dirty game of sober-looking miscreants who we look for academic certification. I have written chapters in defense of a political leader who in my opinion pledged to go ahead of the divisive and parochial politics for the larger interest of the country, its neighbors and ultimately the entire world. I did it and intend to do it all through my pen, not mass agitation. I only disapprove active politics because the tricks to attain and retain power are mostly demeaning. You should not introduce it in your educational system to demean our future generation. And last of all, note it that you had not even the sense of political participation as you did not agitate, did not even identify the threat which ate the very elan of our teaching system.”
I felt I was forgetting something which flashed while I was elaborating and faded away. I strained to recall it while he appeared toying for some escape route. It flashed again, “and remember two more points. “the communists who advocated study of history so intently, started dissuading people to engage themselves with history after they had poisoned it, lest someone should find an antidote. Secondly, I never advocated complete hiatus between specialized field and areas of general interest. I appeal that those who are expected to handle it must not be disturbed by outside interference, but once it becomes clear that they are least interested in doing their job or are doing it in a manner that aggravates the problem, interference in those areas may be warranted even through active agitation.”
He had found his escape route, “You blame Prof. Hasan for a mischief whereas he tried a solution. If secularism or national integration really amounted to communal poisoning and lust for superiority of Iran and Islamic state, at least half a dozen education ministers followed him who were Hindus as far as I remember, why could they not correct it?”
They were mostly from the Congress which benefited from it. Promotion of communalism with slogans of secularism, that, in short, it encouraged throughout. The others realized the misadventure but had not the cunning even to complete a full tenure. They fell prey to dirty manipulative tricks of the Congress which is so insecure without power that it can even redivide the country failing other options.”
“Arguments apart, I don’t think you care as much for social harmony as you apparently try to show.”
“Social harmony is a dangerous proposition where one faction is rigid as a deadwood and entire responsibility of cohesion depends on bending and twining of the other. The result of every resilient attempt to cohere by the one was attended by added stiffness in stance and enlargement of demand by the other in general and by violent response to maintain the distinct identity in several cases. I don’t preach love where love begets despise or surrender. I advocate understanding, maintenance of safe distance and vigilant cooperation to the extent it is necessary. Sweet words must be responded sweetly, tough gestures must be answered suitably. Mutual respect is still possible where love is lost and hatred is garbed to elude you to mistake it for peace. There are dangerous things without which we can not do such as fire and electricity, but handled with care the prove to be boon, so are some of the social relation. They are invariably harmful if you come too close.”
“We are already late”, he pointed towards the watch, fearing that I may go on amplifying the theme.