Post – 2018-08-16

(In continuation) III

“I mean, we should not discuss our historians, good or bad whatever they be.”
“I never discuss historians, I told you I am not happy in their company.” I noticed a faint smile on his lips, but ignored it, “I never discuss the words that I use in my sentences, they are mere adjuncts to my ideas. I can not speak without words nor can express myself correctly avoiding the substantive. I very clearly told you, I am fighting colonial mindset for the last 48 years, single handed, indefatigably, and have been fighting against all those who benefit from their servitude and resist emancipation. Fighting against all the idlers who say, the little that they have done or inherited is enough for them and the society at large, and discourage new researches, discourage industry, and the will to earn freedom, who plead for status quo, who raise their voice in unison against any new discovery or distort it to suit the status quo. They are those who hostthe virus that caused the malady, and resist any curative measure.”(In continuation)