Post – 2018-09-09


We can now safely assert that Hinduism is not religion per se. It is not a system of belief. Its roots go back to hunting-gathering stage, more aptly called primitive communism. Even belief in the presence of manes resting in the grooves nearby, had nothing to do with the obligations performed by the members of the Kula. The Words Dharma, Kartavya are , late coinages . For them it was just the practice without specific name. Its domain was not confined to the demarcated land, prototype of their country or the members of their clan, but applied to ‘external affairs’ as well. They could not live peacefully without observing those rules and practices. Will Durant has given an idyllic account of that value system in his Our Oriental Heritage. Nothing was private. No one had to consume anything without sharing it with others, They had not to keep anything for morrow- why to go for stale when fresh was available. No one could be deprived of anything even if gathered or collected by one. they would put to stake their life to protect their common property or violation of the boundary, they could not surrender to pressure pressure and torture to do any act forbidden. It was something learnt as naturally as speech or dancing in perfect rhythm. Despite the intermittent destitution of gathering days, the life is general was more salutary and dignified. That was the reason why its memory haunted the society despite spectacular advances made in material progress. They hankered for stage when Dharma stood on its four legs, i e it was in it’s perfect order. They recalled is as the age of Truth, that is Satayuga which was termed as the Golden /Age much later by those who acquired the language, culture, mythology and life-style.*
( * Forget not that spartan ladies wore their sarees in Indian style and respectable ones flaunted their uttarîya, as Indians. )

They could not run the time machine anti-clock wise but they could retain the value system as far as possible in changed circumstances as well. In the long course of time social order changed and yet the law-books reiterated the same value system as Sanatan Dharm. It superseded all other provisions. Work division took place which stratified into social division much later and called for new explanation to ensure best performance but is did not destabilize the Dharma had nothing to do with Brahmanism or caste-divided society And it has been more assiduously followed by the section of society falling in lower order.

It has been time and again repeated by the Puranas, and has become part of our collective consciousness that with advancement of technology and material prosperity society has degenerated in terms of culture, justice, and dignity, i.e. Dharma lost its foot hold and developed imbalance in proportion to increasing greed. .

The term Dharma as defined is the essential attribute in absence of which the thing ceases to exist. It is dharma which holds the world and not only humans but even the celestial bodies and elements of nature have to observe it. If any of them slips from its Dharma not only it shall cease to exist. We cannot think of fire without heat or a lamp without light. Non-performance of Dharma catastrophic. Failure by one in discharge of his duty results in some way in disturbance to all others.

We come here to some vital conclusions:
1. all our mad run for more than enough is violation of Dharma and is catastrophic in a number of ways – in deprivation of others in the same proportion; in wasteful destruction natural wealth accumulated and preserved for millions and millions of years; is creating a mentally and physically feeble and morally degenerate society; in pollution of air, water including oceans and poisoning of the earth; in destruction of ecology and invitation of unimaginable furies and revenge by nature. This unchecked tendency has brought us close to man-made holocaust. In other words the principle of धर्मो धारयते जगत is as valid today as it ever was.

2. Blinded by the glaring material prosperity of the West, we
should not succumb to their value system, under the impression that if they are technologically, scientifically, economically more advanced than us they are even culturally and morally superior to us. In that respect they are still behind, despite the fact that they have learnt quite a lot during the centuries they came in direct contact with the orient, though because of mad capitalistic greed and demonstrative extravaganza the process has reversed, their education in morals and manners is still incomplete. They have to make renewed attempt to make up the loss which does not seem possible so long the madness is not cured.

3. Of all the countries it is India that has, through serious adversities, maintained to some extent that value system and can play a crucial role in humanising the world by restoring it back to Manava Dharma.* It is Dharma that protected Hinduism from going to Central Asian or Iranian way.

4. Our claim may appear somewhat fantastic in view of the fact that the values we so much care for, are not being even nominally maintained on tangible scale. Economic destitution, social dissensions, educational backwardness, aftermath of prolonged servitude, colonial mindset of intelligentsia, demographic pressure, diversity of belief systems, linguistic coteries and over dependence on the advanced western countries, make it impossible even to come equal to the western society in general in observing some of the attributes acquired by them from the East. The difference is so pronounced that we in their comparison appear to be living in bygone centuries. rude, uncultivated and insensitive.
But below this veneer lie some sordid realities:
a. despite their prosperity none of them can bear with any of the adversities of invoiced above that Indians cope up with so resolutely.

b. Their complacency is the result of centuries of merciless loot and theft resorted to by them, which is still continuing, on which their prosperity lies. Stop dear malpractices in commerce of weaponry and drugs, habit forming drinks and cosmetics not to mention the entire inventory they shall go hopping mad.

c. Despite their Crocodile tears for the miseries of humanity, the most heinous aggressions against those very poor countries, their natural resources is resorted to by those very countries, promoting further backwardness and poverty, social dissension and cleverly designed ruthlessness, encouraging drug addiction and wantonness, eliminating as many non white races from the face of the earth as possible.

d. We cannot blame capitalism alone for this savagery
garbed behind technologically humanized face. We must not forget that the White races are looking for the entire world free from other colors for their habitation in future. The progress is slow, and not that slow even, but steady. Remember how small a number in American, or Australia, the whites could not tolerate the existence of colored races in habitable places. Now with enlarged strength they are exploring the feasibility of human habitation on remote planets remaining space on earth occupied by non-Whites may be the proximate target.

e. We must learn from the west, as much as we can, but we must not forget to learn from their history. We must not rely them on the basis of their public utterances. but watch also their hidden designs.

5. Another proof of the Hindus still maintaining the essence of Dharma in their day-to-day behaviour, not noticed by those fond of Hindu-bashing as their pass-time is, reduce the majority status of Hindus in any area or state you shall have a Bangladesh or Pakistan in operation there in all its nakedness.