Post – 2018-09-08


What is the basic ingredient of religion? Faith. How can it be defined? As bind belief system. We need not bother much. They have no word for honesty. Iman(ईमान), erroneously understood as honesty is belief unshaken by reason or introspection.
Have you ever thought that religion means only Semitic religions? There is no other religion in the world. Even Buddhism, although an organized system ready to proselytize, is so rational as to profess doubt everything unless after considering every aspect you personally are not convinced as to its propriety. Buddhism is a set pattern of duties to be performed and observed by its adherents. Clearly it has no other attribute of Semitic religions, not even conversion by fraud, coercion or violence? Only Semites qualify for religiosity.

Religion is a belief system- against reason, against science, against verifiable knowledge. it is against progress, against individual or collective freedom, against democracy, and as Russell defined, against humanity. It permits all forms of crime without remorse, making some concessions for followers of the same creed.

It is against education, although not against literacy, against books other than THE BOOK, AL KITAB or the HOLY BOOK. The purpose of education is to enable the students to read THE BOOK. After that no other book need be read, because either it shall conform the same things as written in THE BOOK and, in that case, no use wasting time on it, or it shall disagree with THE BOOK, in which case it will confuse human beings and so it must be burnt for the sake of the spread of true knowledge. Even humanity in Semitic religions is limited to just a tribe. Others are born of Satan to be perpetually burnt alive, be it from the day of judgment or earlier still if they refuge to opt the TRUE religion. It was this vision that prompted Pope Innocent III to burn entire city inhabited by Cather followers, sparing none – infants, sick, elderly or pregnant. How innocent he was, can not be judged by non-Christians. All commendable words and epithets are spoiled in these religions.

If Marx held religion to be opium he was quite considerate. If Russel considered religion to be embryo of crime he was frank. I must remind that Marx knew only Semitic faiths. The latter was directly referring to Christianity. If Dara Sukoh said no human can live where Mulla gives prayer call, he was also not mincing words. Religion applies to Semitic religions only because there is no other institution in the world with shared attributes.

My observations may appear severe but none of the allegations is product of my imagination. It all started with Genesis itself. But mind it, Semitic religions were born out of the Vedic Aryans highly influential in northern Iraq and Asia Minor(Anatolia, the country of sunrise) 2000 BC -1300 BC, but borrowed wisdom may be toxic if you fail to assimilate it properly. One man’s meal is another man’s poison.

Secularism in fact is freedom from intervention of Semitic Creeds called religion (मजहब) which have inbuilt urge to dominate and subjugate. Devotional obeisance can not be equated with Semitic religions with complete surrender. But what then is the demand of Lord Krishna, who preaches “desert all the other courses, come to my care, I shall deliver you from all the sins committed by you : सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज. अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः. I have a hunch that this principle was highly admired by Muhammad Saheb. It is this inspiring utterance that could have caused him to state that sweet breezes come from India, if this statement carries any weight. But here again there is a serious misunderstanding from which even Indians are not free because they take it to be a statement by Lord Krishna, whereas he says that he is not a being but Time incarnate. I advance to destroy that has lost its vitality or justification. The outdated, is already dead. You don’t incur sin if you eliminate it. If you behave perfectly according to the demands of time you have nothing else to bother for. All your requirement have to be fulfilled by your dedicated surrender to time. I think after the tenth chapter all that is said is not obeisance to God in abstract, but the expediency at the nick of the moment.

Moreover the abstract or non-spatial entity of time transformed into a visual figure is not anti-art, anti-science, anti freedom, anti-humanity. on the contrary it extends its bonds even to other humans, animals and nature in general. Have you ever stopped to think about the cosmic vision of the time. No one in the world except Indians, before the invention of telescope, had any Idea that there are innumerable suns in the sky.*
दिवि सूर्यसहस्रस्य भवेद्युगपदुत्थिता ।
यदि भाः सदृशी सा स्याद्भासस्तस्य महात्मनः ॥
divi sūryasahasrasya bhavēdyugapadutthitā.
yadi bhāḥ sadṛśī sā syādbhāsastasya mahātmanaḥ৷৷11.12৷৷
Contrary to being anti science it is scientific truth described in evocative language.

We are discussing Hinduism. If secularism is freedom from intervention of religion in state matters, Hinduism is not a religion and it is synonymous with SECULARISM. It keeps aloof from the state affairs in principle.

It is strange that a large number of our intellectuals, for the reason best known to them, have alienated themselves from Hinduism to show and advertise that they are secular.

*NB. It appears I was carried here in my heat and the the reference to thousand sun is quantitative, but yet merger of space in time द्यावापृथिव्योरिदमन्तरं हि व्याप्तं त्वयैकेन दिशश्च सर्वाः , is something special. On such occasions friends should remind me if any omission or commission comes to their notice.

(to be continued)