Post – 2018-08-29

Truth in non-negotiable.

Now, emit all your fumes. I have come prepared today.” he stated as he sat.

“ yesterday I was a bit angry. I had all the Fires fumes to blacken and burn those responsible for discrediting with design a civilization which was ahead of all the rivals in the world and in our estimate which played vital role in civilizing the rest of the world”

“But now? what went wrong in a single night?”

“It is almost a law, yaar. I was just reading, Kautilya and was shocked to face his observation that the more materially ambitious a person, the more degenerate he is. Loyalty to the parents and the motherland declines with increasing lust for prosperity , paraphernalia, and might including fame and influence. Children brought in prosperity are thankless, undependable, parasitic and those denied even basic amenities (suhkoparuddha) are. faithful, dependable, hardworking and men of integrity.”

“This is too sweeping an observation.” He objected.

“Generalizations are only broadly true. But if you minutely observe, economically disadvantaged section of our society is comparatively more honest and self respecting than the better placed one.”

“Visit a prison to know what is the ratio of criminals status-wise.”

“It is because the poor commit petty offenses, lack resources to defend them, are easy targets, and in heinous crimes they are not the culprits but mostly the tools. The rest of them are comparatively much more law abiding than the upper class in which moral uprightness is only exceptional.”

“You had to talk about how these new history books were written, under whose guidance and why. Didn’t you promise?

“I was just coming to the same, but you know simple things are more difficult to describe, and thoughts which have taken a pictorial form are still more so, even though you see them straight.”

He had nothing to object.

“You may or may not be a student of history, being a newspaper worm, you might not have missed the fervent discussion, charges and counter charges which demanded the old books to be discarded and replaced by hastily written books with almost equal or only slightly less errors of facts and proportion. But one thing I can grant that the books on Ancient India, which cause all the bickering were more secular than the earlier ones which were deliberately made toxic highlighting the real or invented shortcomings and suppressing, ignoring, berating the positive achievements. By the time these books were introduced or likely to be introduced, the regime changed, reinstalling the same party in power which had allowed or got written those books, to aggravate promote unawares communalism in the garb of secularism.”

“I remember the verbal war in which you had so enthusiastically and doggedly participated while you yourself, may be out of politeness, do not call you a historian.”

“Are yaar, you were yourself present in one of the seminars to oppose a book before it was written and published, participated as speakers by actors, fiction writers and jokers, with one exception who had thrice chaired the Indian Council of Historical Research, but in view of the period he fared no better than others on the dais.There appeared nothing grotesque as all-along, their history had been promoted, protected and propagated as model of secularism by press, bureaucrats and politicians who fought rightist challenge in realpolitik and equated ancient India with them and as such had good belief that they could demolish them through demolition of the Indian past.”

“You were also present, why did you not present your point of view, there.”
“I do not discuss things which are in the making. This is cynical. I left as it was not a discussion on history book, but a disturbance that the books so ingeniously got prepared are likely to be replaced. Why should an authority on medieval India who did not write a single page of those books, knowing nothing about past through ancient sources go so mad at the very idea of their removal? I know but can not spell out. You know but show ignorance.

“Any way, in the course of that Newspaper war the mischief played and falsehood perfected was so nakedly exposed that come what may those books could hold no credence even with those who fought their electoral war.”

“You are vague? Will you ellucidate?”

“Even before the BJP came to power it had internationally been conceded that Harappan Civilization was authored by Indo-Aryan speaking people.”

“It was your thesis.”

“I did not invent anything, so call it a convergence of opinions from excavators, from genetic researchers, linguists, which I had collated and fortified beyond doubt giving exact or suggested names of the entire inventory of the material culture. But leave me aside, it was by now final that neither there was a society of Aryans, nor was there any migration of any people in any form except nominal stray movement from both sides in some context, so the entire edifice had turned upside down eroding the credibility of its upholders. The exchange of arguments was in this context merely of marginal importance.”

Why I call them criminally adamant to feed falsehood to those who depended for correct historical information and wisdom on them, knowing the facts and findings. They suppressed manuscripts that criticized their stand submitted for publication grants to ICHR, through their stooges whom they had inducted showing special favor. They rejected any research proposal that did not suit their cherished views. They, though only one case is in my knowledge, misused a work and published it in another name, if the scholar expired mean time. They created abnormal hurdle through procedural delay, during which time the contents of a work submitted could be misused and published before the work got clearance. If a work having made through all these hurdles, got exceptional attention of the readers they tried to subvert it through canard and promoting such scholars through extraordinary grace and resorted to despicable subterfuge to continue the discredited version through universities under their dominance, research institutions of advanced learning and of course through annual meetings of History Congress.” I paused to inquire, “Are you feeling bored?”

“Go on.”

“When the same person mad after Iranian supremacy knew for certain that the Aryan inroad is permanently blocked, he made a last attempt in the name of ‘Coming of Iron.” Remember, Ashvatthama maro naro va kunjaro (अश्वत्थामा मरो नरो वा कुन्जरो). And lo! This Themes of Indian History, in which the entire Vedic period was cross-jumped without a word lest the students should reset their mind with Indo-Aryans as autochthonous.”

Now you combine these links and try to find a different but apt epithet for them. Mind it in scientific language one thing can go by one name only, harsh and soft are extra-scientific categories. Truth in non-negotiable.