अभी पुराने नोट उलट रहा था. नजर लुडलो के एक अंश पर पड़ी और यह विचार आया कि भारत को पूरी ताकत से नकारने कि प्रवृत्ति १८५७ के डरावने अनुभवों के बाद आरम्भ हुआ:
John Malcolm Ludlow, India, Its Races and Its History, 1857, Apendix E
When I compare Greek mythology with Hindoo, I am always reminded of the saying of the old Egyptian priest, that from Bitish the Greek were mere children; so immensely deeper does the Hindoo mind appear to me to go in sounding mysteries of the universe, of our own selves. P 44
The Hindu religion, in itself, as I have intimated, full of glimpses into the profoundest truths, has gathered round it a whole civilization. It is embedded in a language, the earliest cultivated, as I have said, of the whole Indo-Germanic group, spreading from India westwards to the Atlantic, and across it now and the whole of American continent, to the Pacific, a language, if we may trust its students , copious, flexible, philosophic, musical beyond all measure…. P. 45