Post – 2016-09-19

Director Horticulture
NDMC, East, Kadkad Duma
Delhi- 10032

Sub: Irresponsibility and mischief of the gardeners and sorry state of the park behind City Apartments, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi.

Dear sir,
Ours is a very small park approximating 2 acres surrounded/approached by some eleven densely populated high-rise column societies, visited in addition by workforce and settlers of Dallupura and strangers with an element of nuisance. Earlier there was one gardener namely Balkishan who was handicapped by necessary tools and equippments, but yet the maintenance was not as hopeless as now as a result of posting of notorious hands as gardeners who either do not work or work contrary to the interests of the park.
There have been frequent burning of leaves piled under trees that scorched four trees in a go. We had requested for a compost pit to be dug at safe distance from the trees to check the frequency of such occurrence, which was heeded to, but the pit was dug at the same location. Any way the pit cannot collect the leaves if the same is thrown recklessly around the pit resulting into conflagration as witnessed recently, due to reckless passing smokers.
… We do not want any recurrence of the pile burning. We request that timely irrigation, weeding out, sweeping and cleaning, pruning and mowing be ensured. If things are not in your control there is yet time for you to reconsider the request for adoption of the park by elected body of the citizens as proposed initially by Dy. Commissioner, in his absolute wisdom after he was apprised of the specific nature of the problems with regard to this park, at the time of his personal visit some five years back, which was flouted by those who have other interests than proper maintenance of the parks. We want action.
Thanking you,
Representatives of the beneficiaries of the park

Copy to the Dy Commissioner, MCD, East, Delhi- 110032